World of Bob Dylan 2023: Call for Papers and Proposals - The TU Institute for Bob Dylan Studies
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World of Bob Dylan 2023: Call for Papers and Proposals

Submission Deadline: January 15, 2023 

We seek paper, panel, roundtable, and creative proposals for the 2023 World of Bob Dylan, hosted by the University of Tulsa. Running from June 2-4, this three-day event will gather a global community of scholars, journalists, writers, musicians, collectors, archivists, and fans eager to explore all aspects of Dylan’s work.

Rather than trying to organize the event around a single theme, we instead welcome proposals on any topic related to Dylan’s dazzling creativity. We seek and encourage proposals across a variety of different formats, including creative projects. Keynote sessions will include discussions with leading musicians, writers, and scholars. In the evening, a musical festival hosted in partnership with Cain’s Ballroom will feature over 30 performers and songwriters.

Please note that the World of Dylan will be an in-person event with only limited streaming of select events. We cannot accept proposals for remotely delivered papers or sessions.

Individual Paper Proposals 

We welcome individual proposals for 15 to 20-minute presentations.  To submit, please send a title, 250-word summary, and complete contact information (including email and phone number). 

Panel Proposals 

Panels consist of three or four speakers arranged in advance and focused on a common topic or idea.  To submit a panel proposal, a single organizer should send a 500-word summary that includes a name for the session and information about each of the confirmed speakers.

Roundtable Proposals 

These special sessions are meant to encourage open conversation, debate, and the exchange of ideas around broadly compelling topics (e.g. Cover Songs, Teaching, or Collecting) and may include up to five participants.  The focus should be on conversation among the panelists and the audience rather than on the delivery of prepared remarks.  Proposals should include a 250-word summary of the topic to be explored along with contact information for the chair and short biographies of each participant.  

Creative Proposals and Ideas 

We welcome ideas for other kinds of formats, creative sessions, events, and pop-up exhibitions.  Feel free to reach out to us with questions, proposals, or ideas.


Send all submissions and questions to


September 28   Submissions Open  

January 15          Submission Deadline 

February 15        Notification 

June 2                 The World of Bob Dylan 2023 Opens